How Reiki changed my life – 7 Reiki practitioners tell their stories.

mor How Reiki changed my life – 7 reiki practitioners tell their stories. While Reiki is simple to learn, the impact can be deep and far-reaching. Here you can read accounts from 8 different practitioners on how Reiki changed their lives. If their story particularly resonates with you, look for a link to work with…

What is Reiki and how does it work?

If you’re like many of our clients, you keep hearing the word “reiki”. It’s attracting you but you have no idea what it is or if it’s even a real thing. Reiki is an energy healing modality that promotes well-being on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Read on to find out what the word means, what happens in a reiki session, what it’s good for, and a bit about our best guesses as to the Art & Science of Reiki (because if someone tells you they definitively know, they’re lying).

How Reiki transformed my anxiety – Liz’s healing story.

How Reiki transformed my anxiety – Liz’s healing story. “High strung, anxious, nervous” “High strung, anxious, nervous”: These were the labels given to me as far as I can remember. They were true, mind you. Anxiety and fear were part of my daily life for as far as I can remember. Of course when you’re…