Hand reaching to sunlight with prism of chakra colors

Energy Healing Courses

Unleash Your Inner Healer

Your ability to heal is innate. Whether you’re exploring for yourself or responding to a deep call to guide others on their healing journey, it’s time to reclaim your inner healer.

We offer Reiki I, II, III & so much more.

Take it one class at a time or sign up for the whole certificate.
The choice is yours.

Our Courses

Reiki IAwaken the energy healer within.

Reiki II

Uplevel and cocreate with Reiki

Reiki III

Create space for your soul’s gifts to infuse your healing work.

Energy Healing Toolkit:

Become an accomplished healing guide.

Healing Presence

Becoming a safe person through mindfulness and self-compassion.

Chakra Journey

Balance and heal each of your 7 chakras.

Click on the course name to learn more.

Two hands in an offering position

What is The Reiki certificate?

The mission of our Reiki certificate is simple: Empower you to become the energy healer you were born to be, one easy step at a time.

The Reiki Certificate is a series of six courses: Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III, Energy Healing Toolkit, Chakra Journey & Healing Presence.

Every course not only teaches you the concepts and practices necessary to master, but also takes you on a healing journey where you’ll continuously be invited to claim your soul’s gifts and to step into who you came here to be.

As a whole, these courses are designed to help you become a grounded, competent and transformational energy healer who loves what they do.

Who is it for?

The Reiki Certificate is for you if:

  • You’re an explorer willing to dive in and do your own deep work
  • You’re hungry to clarify your thinking and understanding so you can stand firm and proud in your healing work.
  • You’re willing to see everyone as their own best healer and are willing to serve as a humble and joyful healing guide.

How does it work ?

We believe in the power of staying true to oneself, in following one’s calling and in divine timing.

That’s why you can dip your toe in and take one class at a time and make your way through the certificate by following your heart or you can dive in completely, plan ahead and reserve your spot in classes up to a year ahead of time. It’s completely up to you.

See the schedule for classes below (coming soon. Book a call with Inge to find out what’s on offer in the meantime).

Nothing fits your schedule right now? No problem, you can still start with one of our self-study programs while you wait.

Ready to begin but not sure where to start? Reiki I & Healing Presence are amazing starting points, but the best is to go with whatever class is calling you.

You’ve already done Reiki I, II, III or have a long-standing mindfulness practice? These are likely to be recognized and you can jump into the more advanced classes.

Unleashing the energy healer in you is a multi-layered process that requires a multi-layered approach.

Your first teachers are always the energy + your experience and that’s what we place at the center of our learning model. We weave in online resources (conceptual videos, how-to videos, recorded meditations, zoom meetings & more) with in-person experiences to best support you in uncovering who you already are and what you already know.

Most courses run entirely online but others weave in-person components (Reiki I in particular). Similarly, some experiences are best done in your own energy and at your own pace (we call these “Self-study”), and some lend themselves beautifully to 1:1 learning with the support of a guide. Most, however, are designed to be done in a group where you learn as much from the other participants as you do from your teacher. On top of all of this, we also organize practice events locally for you to participate in as you please. Check the event section.

The field of energy healing is both ancient and new and requires the creation of new governing bodies to ensure quality, safety and standards of service. These standards are of the utmost importance to us.

We therefore seriously aim to be accredited with relevant organizations who can empower our students to become the best healers they can be. This takes time and is now only at the beginning stages.

If this is important to you, please bring this up in a conversation with Inge during your discovery call to find out where we are at.

Typically, our students pay for one course at a time. For registration, payment is required. This can be in full or through payment plans (only for courses above $500).

For these, the rules are:

  • The course must be a total of $500 or more.
  • A first payment of $100 or more must be made to complete your reservation.
  • Your last payment must be made before the end of our class together.
  • A maximum of 4 payments is permitted.

Please inquire with Inge (or your teacher) during your discovery call to set this up.

Investing in yourself is an incredible gift you give to yourself, but financial stress does not need to be part of your healing journey.

What to do next?

Path through the woods, denoting an invitation to a journey

Who is the teacher?

Inge Broer, Creator and Chief Reiki Teacher of Energy School

A life-long learnerAs long as I can remember I’ve been interested in understanding how people work and particularly how they heal, transform, and thrive. This learning journey started with me experiencing life as a (codependent) empath, led me to get a Masters in Neuropsychology (completed in 2013) as well as a Certificate in Energy Medicine (completed in 2014), and has continued way beyond my formal training. I am always learning from my clients, students, from new teachers and most of all: from life & the energy.

Following a deep calling:I want to live in a world where people are free to be exactly who they are. That’s why I build programs that help you transform stuckness into growth, transcend your conditioning to return you to your essence and help others do the same. Beyond The Reiki Certificate, I also have programs that take you further into energy mastery and love supporting new healers to launch their businesses.

Obsessed with creating and delivering potent healing journeys: As far as I’m concerned, the real teachers are always (1) your essence and (2) the energy. It’s my job to create experiences where you uncover your own knowing. I will use meditations, exercises, discussions & important concepts in order to make that happen for you.

The 6 courses included in the Reiki

Our Courses

Reiki IAwaken the energy healer within.

Reiki II

Uplevel and cocreate with Reiki

Reiki III

Create space for your soul’s gifts to infuse your healing work.

Energy Healing Toolkit:

Become an accomplished healing guide.

Healing Presence

Becoming a safe person through mindfulness and self-compassion.

Chakra Journey

Balance and heal each of your 7 chakras.

Click on the course name to learn more.

Woman in deep meditation

Start-Anytime Courses:

Chakra Journey Balance and heal each of your 7 chakras.

Healing Presence Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for Empaths

What happens when I graduate?

When you graduate (and way before), you’re equipped with the know-how to strike out on your own as an energy healer. Of course, you’ll have a million business questions and I’ve got you covered there too.

What to do next?